PornHub used to be THE place to go for pretty much all of your porn needs a few years ago, but with the rising popularity of Twitter, sites like Onlyfans and Just4fans where people could monetise their own content, PornHub (who had been consuming most of the other porn sites in the industry) found themselves stuck when the whole financial supporting arm of their credit card processing provider was not happy with the amount of uncensored content on the site.

It was true that you used to be able to upload pretty much any type of content there (even illegal), and because of its international site, they really struggled with this moderation of content and monetisation from it. In the past few months post covid, things appear to have turned around and Pornhub has cleaned out thousands and thousand of videos from the catalogues and finally implemented a huge amount of the social media functionality that has been missing from the site for years.

Ive had an account here on Porn hub for 5 years or so now, and ive uploaded a few pics and a video from the site, but the great thing about the site is that theres a load of content on here that you can then share, create playlists, and you have a social stream where you can comment on the types of videos you like and then comment on,

The site definitely looks like its now starting to attempt to be the Facebook that all kinksters wanted it to be, but it just didn’t have those features in there. Now the site offers proper 2FA security, allows you to have friends AND also have subscribers and subscribe to other peoples profiles. There are also now monetisation options available as they must realise how much business theyve lost from Onlyfans and Just4fans!

This article is a work in progress and i’ll add to it from my experiences using the platform over time, but please feel free to add me on there if you have an account and check out some of the playlists that ive curated based on my own preference of course 😉

2 thoughts on “PornHub”
  1. Pornhub, yes, but for range of fetish videos, I find this more compelling.

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